Blog/article | Local transport authority

Bus Service Improvement Plan guidance follows NBS

May 2021, Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) guidance document has been published, part of the National Bus Strategy, by the Government.

BSIP submissions will need to set out a high-level vision and key interventions to deliver it, with the overarching aim will be to grow patronage. The timetable for Local Transport Authorities to submit a BSIP :

  • 30 June: Decide whether to pursue Enhanced Partnership (EP) or develop a franchising assessment
  • 31 October: Publish a BSIP
  • 31 March 2022: Have either an EP in place or be following the statutory process to develop a franchising assessment

Access to a share of the £3bn to be provided by the Government for buses required these deadlines to be met.

Download the National bus strategy: bus service improvement plans – guidance to local authorities and bus operators

Read the full Government announcement on the £3 billion bus revolution

Download the Bus Back Better: national bus strategy for England

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