Omnibus software suite
Vehicle scheduling
Powerful scheduling software for transportation, accelerating the generation of accurate schedules for passenger operations

Accelerate scheduling, minimise time and cost
A powerful scheduling software that generates accurate and efficient vehicle workings in a fraction of the time taken compared to manual methods. Linking with our timetabling, crewing and rostering applications, you can conceive, plan and schedule complete operations, as well as monitor the efficiency of existing schedules and experiment with range, route, crew and time changes.
With a wide range of options available, our scheduling software quickly generates workings that are easily modified to suit your needs. The editing routines allow complete control in the display of information, including a traditional graph showing both staff and vehicle utilisation. These schedules can be configured to fit with your unique requirements, working practices and even corporate style. It is also easy to plan for vehicles with limited range such as electric vehicles with simple to use tools.

Reports, graphs and operational information can be produced for both in-house and commercial purposes. The solution’s scheduling routines allow accurate production of vehicle and crew running boards, crew duty sheets, sign-on sheets, graphs, depot run-out sheets, time and mileage statistics.
- Allows full control at all stages
- Schedules easily modified in seconds
- On-screen bus and crew graphs
- Flexible crew duty payment rules
- Daily variations (such as school holidays) easily maintained on the system
- Automatically prints bus and crew reports
- At-a-glance reporting on range for alternative fuel vehicles
- Multiple schedules may be combined and modified
- Wide range of styles and layouts for operational documents

Latest news and industry insights

Building an efficient bus operation
A bus operation is a complex chain comprising numerous links, from network planning to service delivery and operational review, all of which must operate with maximum efficiency.
- For optimal efficiency, every link must harmonise with the others
- The difficulty is that maximising the efficiency of one link can sometimes detrimentally affect another.
This ebook explores the metrics to measure efficiency effectively to build a sustainable and profitable operation.
End-to-end efficiency
Experience and expertise
30+ years
developing leading passenger
transport solutions
- Market leader in driving efficiency for
passenger transport operators of all sizes - Software innovation driven by an in-depth
understanding of the passenger transport industry - Strong track record of quality delivery and
high customer satisfaction