Omnibus software suite

Asset management

Powerful NaPTAN editor and comprehensive infrastructure asset management for local authorities and bus operators

Save time through efficient administration
Reduce duplication
Reduce duplication
Validate data
Validate data
Record of assets
Record of assets

Roadside asset management made easy

NaPTAN (the National Public Transport Access Node database) uniquely identifies points of access to public transport. It is an essential resource for local authorities and operators, providing a single source of bus stop information for use in timetables, publicity and journey planning. However, local authorities and operators find that the data can sometimes be inaccurate or require updating, which is where our asset management solution is invaluable.

Our solution allows you to maintain StopPoint and StopArea records for your area. Built to support all the features of the NaPTAN version 2.4 XML schema, the editor is easy to use and validates changes as you edit.

For those moving from managing bus stop data using spreadsheets, NaPTAN version 2.4 data can be much more complicated than using a single table. Our solution provides a specialist editor and imports and exports data in XML format. The facility to perform a fast bulk import of your existing NaPTAN and NPTG (National Public Transport Gazetteer) data will get you up and running quickly.

Our solution provides a comprehensive asset management solution for recording and monitoring bus stops and associated equipment.

It can store a wide range of information, typically relating to: flags, display cases, poles, electronic displays, kerb information, shelters, usage, routes and photographs. Detailed information can be added to these records, including maintenance notes, ownership and the manufacturer of equipment. Asset management record formats are user configurable. Users can create new asset types, structures and data lists.

Screen shot of asset management solution OmniFLAG

The solution can be installed on Windows tablets and laptops to allow remote data collection and editing including taking GPS readings and photographs from within the application. Automatic database synchronisation between devices and your system ensures data integrity.

Details of asset information can easily be extracted from the solution to assist with asset maintenance and information management.

  • Supports all the features of NaPTAN
  • Fast import and export of NaPTAN and NPTG data
  • Browse stops by NPTG locality hierarchy
  • View and edit stops
  • Add, edit and manage records for a wide range of equipment
  • User configurable asset management records
  • Powerful search facilities
  • Remote editing and automatic database synchronisation
  • Visualise sites and surrounding environments using photographs
  • Send reports to print or export to CSV format
  • Save time through efficient administration
  • Our partnership with Velociti has developed since 2016. They are unique, offering consultancy and software solutions that cover the entire spectrum of operations, including 'before-the-day,' 'on-the-day,' and 'after-the-day' services. This partnership is valuable to us in ensuring efficient and effective operations.  
    Adam Keen
    Managing Director
  • Velociti's strong delivery track record and their ability to deliver a total end-to-end solution without relying on outside partners for expertise, make them a valued partner... to achieve our growth plans. With their approach to developing solutions and supporting operators in improving efficiency, we are confident our future needs will be met. Read news
    Mark Greasley
    Group Projects Director
  • It’s a great business intelligence tool. We now have a system that allows us to pull up all sorts of information. We’re finding that it’s already informing our own decision making. The days of people having to thumb through bits of paper or tracking through a myriad of spreadsheets are over at McGill’s. Read case study
    Colin Napier
    Operations Director
  • Roberts Travel Group logo
  • Scotland Railway logo
  • Reading Buses logo
  • Transport for Greater Manchester logo
  • Go Ahead Group logo
  • South Eastern logo
  • Gatwick Express logo
  • Merseyrail logo
  • Stagecoach logo
  • Liverpool City Region logo
  • Arriva bus operator logo
  • West Midlands Combined Authority Logo
  • Lincolnshire country council logo
  • London North Eastern Railway logo
  • Aberdeenshire Council
  • National Express logo
  • GB Railfreight logo
  • HS2 railway logo
  • Chiltern Railways logo
  • First Bus logo
  • Transdev logo
  • ALSTOM logo

Building an efficient bus operation

A bus operation is a complex chain comprising numerous links, from network planning to service delivery and operational review, all of which must operate with maximum efficiency.

  • For optimal efficiency, every link must harmonise with the others
  • The difficulty is that maximising the efficiency of one link can sometimes detrimentally affect another.

This ebook explores the metrics to measure efficiency effectively to build a sustainable and profitable operation.


End-to-end efficiency

Experience and expertise

30+ years

developing leading passenger
transport solutions

  • Market leader in driving efficiency for
    passenger transport operators of all sizes
  • Software innovation driven by an in-depth
    understanding of the passenger transport industry
  • Strong track record of quality delivery and
    high customer satisfaction

See the power of the platform and start your digital transformation journey


Software support desk

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Visit our self-service portal to log your item:


03330 431101


03330 431101

The support desks are closed on UK bank holidays.
