Industry news | Bus

Annual bus statistics: year ending March 2023

Bus statistics for England for the year ending March 2023 have been published by the Department for Transport. Statistics include recovery from the coronavirus pandemic, passenger journeys, bus mileage, and vehicles.

One of the key points includes an increase in bus journeys from 2022.

  • In the year ending March 2023, there were 3.4 billion passenger journeys made by local bus in England, an increase of 0.5 billion or 19.3% compared with the year ending March 2022.
  • Passenger journeys in London accounted for 52.2% of all passenger journeys made by local buses in England in the year ending March 2023.
  • In the year ending March 2023, there were 1.6 billion passenger journeys made by local buses in England outside London, an increase of 19%.

Bus mileage in England saw a decrease when compared to the financial year ending 2022 by 4.6% in England, 3.4% in London and by 5.1% in England outside of London.

The report covers the year to end March 2023, which is the first time since the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic where restrictions and guidelines were not in place.

Read the full report: Annual bus statistics: year ending March 2023

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