Blog/article | Bus operator

Is complex technology in the control room causing more problems than it solves?


Kurt Capello at trentbarton“If a system isn’t easy to use, people shy away from using it. That causes problems not only for the controllers but also for their managers,”

– Kurt Cappello, Operations Manager at trentbarton 

The boom in systems and technology for bus operations has meant that control teams are having to raise their level of digital literacy. Historically, many controllers came from a background in transport rather than IT, so their knowledge and skills were more focused on the bus operation and not so much on the technology which supports it.  

Although this may be changing with operators hiring commercial and operational graduates, the fact remains that having to access, view and enter data in so many different ways can be a challenge, particularly when speed is of the essence. Without a user-friendly and visual system, control room technology is more complex than it needs to be. 

“In an ideal world, drivers could review and self-manage their performance in areas such as driving styles, attendance, punctuality and complaint levels. This would give them the opportunity to improve their performance before management needs to intervene. Having a reward system which feeds into their annual review would encourage them to take pride in their performance too.” – Jason Hackett, General Manager for Scotland West at McGill’s Bus Service 

A more intuitive, easy-to-use system would have a positive impact on the control room team. It would be easier to train and upskill controllers while relieving the pressure of making rapid decisions in real time. The system could also be a mechanism for employees to review their own performance and achieve targets. 

Our ebook explores the concept of a single control room platform which brings systems together onto one screen, providing the insight to run a reliable, efficient and profitable bus operation. 

A single control room platform would allow controllers to see problems as they arise and take pre-emptive action before they cause delays, keeping the buses on the road and getting passengers to their destination on time.  

Better visibility of vehicle and driver information would enable improved on-the-spot decisions, so routes can be re-allocated quickly with a clear understanding of the cost and the impact of those real-time decisions. By bringing together data from multiple systems, operators will have the vision they need to learn from the past in order to shape a sustainable, profitable bus service for the future. 

See the power of the platform and start your digital transformation journey


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