Industry news | Bus operator

Concessionary travel statistics: year ending March 2022

Concessionary travel statistics for England for the year ending March 2022 have been published by the Department for Transport.

These statistics cover:

  • older and disabled concessionary passes
  • concessionary bus journeys
  • payments made by TCAs to reimburse operators
  • financial breakdowns for operating concessionary schemes

In England, comparing the year ending March 2022 with the year ending March 2021, there were:

  • 8.7 million older and disabled concessionary travel passes, down 3%
  • 555 million concessionary bus journeys, up 104%
  • £803 million reimbursed to bus operators by TCAs, down 5% (constant prices)
  • £1.01 billion in net current expenditure on concessionary travel, down 6% (constant prices)

Read the full report: Concessionary travel statistics, England, year ending March 2022

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