Case study | Rail supply chain

Stadler Rail gains operational efficiencies with competency management solution


Stadler Rail, a leading manufacturer and maintainer of trains, encountered difficulties with their train preparation and review process. They had to spend a significant amount of time reviewing spreadsheets and searching for the necessary paperwork for each assessment. Assessors were required to fill out assessments and meticulously write up notes, which often took up an entire shift.

Additionally, they had to personally deliver feedback and obtain candidates’ signatures on assessment paperwork. The process of scanning paperwork and updating trackers proved to be inefficient.

Solution – RailSmart EDS implemented

RailSmart EDS (Employee Development System) is a digital competency management application was selected by Stadler Rail in April 2019 with 500 licenses in use. The system has been game-changing in enhancing efficiencies across their business.

Reduction in time spent on technical train assessments

The RailSmart EDS system has greatly helped Stadler maintain high quality standards for all of its trains. By streamlining various workflows, the system has reduced the time maintenance staff spend away from their work to complete assessments. This improved efficiency has benefited not only the training assessors, but also the production teams. In addition, RailSmart EDS has had a positive impact on competency management and training.

Transitioning from paper to digital workflows takes planning but can transform business operations. For Stadler, transitioning to a paperless system has significantly streamlined operational efficiencies as Stephen Catterall, Head of Training & Competence UK at Stadler Rail explains;

We have come along way since implementing EDS as our competency management system. Going paperless is definitely the way forward, improving the environment and our efficiencies.

“First and foremost it has improved our assessors time to plan and undertake in-depth technical and operational assessment while automatically updating and maintaining our records, which is such a game changer.”

“Velociti Solutions have been great over the past few years in assisting us to tailor the system to suit our needs, its been great to work with such a customer focused team and their customer-centric approach had been instrumental in the project’s success.”

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