Press release | Bus operator

Transdev Blazefield revolutionises Team Pennine with Omnibus cloud-native depot allocation system

July 2022 – Transdev Blazefield is using Velociti Solutions Omnibus software suite to revolutionise operations at its subsidiary Team Pennine – and streamline work processes and collaborative working across locations. 

The operator bought the former Yorkshire Tiger business from Arriva in July 2021 and took the decision to move the team onto Velociti Solutions new cloud-native complete depot allocation system (DAS). Since implementation, the solution has transformed forward and on-the-day planning at Team Pennine’s operations in Halifax and Huddersfield, both in West Yorkshire. 

Vitto Pizzuti Operations Director at Transdev BlazefieldVitto Pizzuti, Operations Director at Transdev Blazefield, which serves Lancashire, North & West Yorkshire and Greater Manchester, said: “This is a significant milestone for Team Pennine and Transdev. As a group we are proud to deliver a quality and reliable service for our customers and to do this we need the best tools for our team to do their jobs. 

“We are excited to be the first to adopt cloud-native depot allocation system. The solution has revolutionised Team Pennine, giving the team the capability to manage its pool of 120 drivers from a single platform.  

“This enhanced collaboration between Team Pennine operations will streamline work processes, giving our depot controllers the time to focus on more important tasks. This increase in operational efficiency will also significantly reduce the risk of errors within the business.” 

Vitto added: “The Velociti Solutions team has the expertise and a thorough understanding of the UK bus market to deliver solutions which confidently meet operator requirements.” 

Peter Crichton, Founder of the Velociti Solutions Omnibus software suite, said: “Decades of experience and industry knowledge go into the development and enhancement of our solutions. As a result, we offer unmatched capability and flexibility for improving efficiency, reducing costs and mitigating risk.  

“We’re delighted our depot allocation system has improved efficiency at Team Pennine and look forward to continuing our trusted partnership with Transdev Blazefield.” 

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