Blog/article | Local transport authority

Utilise resources to meet BSIP requirements

Last month it was announced that thirty-one counties, city regions and unitary authorities have been selected to level up local bus services through government funding. Recipients of the grant will now be working towards implementing the proposed changes that were submitted in last year’s Bus Service Improvement Plans (BSIPs).

Now more than ever there is an expectation that buses should run as efficiently as possible. Data will be required to demonstrate how services have improved and justify the government grants.

Upskill your team with industry-recognised courses

With all the newly required changes it can be difficult for LTAs to know where to begin. Upskilling the team with industry-recognised practical courses can provide a solid foundation for those who are unfamiliar with key aspects of the bus operation.

Learning to manually schedule buses and drivers with industry-trained schedulers helps in understanding what is actually involved in getting bus services out onto the road.

Covering a range of subjects, from the theory behind bus timetabling, including the creation of efficient vehicle workings and the relationship between these two disciplines; to creating cost-effective driver duties and understanding the impact they can have on vehicle workings and timetables, a working knowledge of bus timetables and their operational effectiveness is vital in ensuring the success of the network.

Increase operational efficiency with consultancy services

Many LTAs will have seen a reduction in staff levels in their public transport teams over recent years and will have faced budget cuts or budget freezes. Coupled with very tight timescales, they may struggle to meet their obligations at a critical time.

Outsourcing these services can alleviate the problem completely and deliver highly efficient results quickly and easily. Onboarding skilled and experienced consultants can fill resource gaps on an interim basis and help manage demand peaks.

Conduct network analysis for BSIP reporting

In order to identify the effectiveness of network changes, software can be implemented to monitor journey times and service levels at different times of the day.

Analysis tools can also be used to give a complete picture of the network by collecting all the data into one system and offering breakdowns of individual areas. Users can view information such as patronage trends that are formulated into graphs and charts. This drill down capability allows intuitive interrogation of the data, investigating root causes of any issues identified, and enables users to set and monitor KPIs for BSIPs.

How we can help

With over 30 years’ experience in software and consultancy services, we have comprehensive knowledge of the bus industry and works with four of the seven PTEs in the UK as well as a range of local authorities to streamline their organisational processes. We offer a two-day Manual Scheduling course for Local Bus Services and a range of consultancy services to assist with timetabling and scheduling.

In addition, our broad, fully integrated software range covers a multitude of functions from operations through to commercial and engineering. To book a free consultation to see how we can assist with your challenges and requirements, complete the online form or call 01527 556940.

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